Defy expectation. Challenge convention. Change the world with your idea. It doesn’t matter where you came from or what your upbringing was. Anyone can achieve success with bold ideas and the determination to make them happen. This is what the streets of Asia are about. The place Tiger Beer was born and raised. Here you’ll find a collective of creative people who are changing the world with their creativity. Artists, technologists, chefs, designers, entrepreneurs and beyond. People who dare to pursue their passions. Who are making an impact, one courageous idea at a time.

Tiger Den

Welcome to Tiger Den, the home of all things Tiger. It's a place for people to discover Tiger's journey to becoming a world-acclaimed Asian lager through an immersive experience.

Bold enough to enter?

Tiger Chinese New Year 2023

In the spirit of 敢敢冲 (Gan Gan Chong), we looked back on past accomplishments and unleash our inner courage to forge ahead into the Year of the Rabbit and cheers to bold beginnings.

Watch our CNY music video

Tiger Uncage

We turned our iconic Tiger Beer labels into symbols of courage with personalised #YetHereIAm Tiger bottles to commemorate stories of defying expectations and overcoming the odds.

Tiger Street Food

We called on Malaysian foodies to join us on the Hottest Hunt to discover the best street food by hunting and recommending their favourite dishes to pair with Tiger Crystal, the ultimate street food accompaniment.

Hunt and Recommend the best street food

Tiger Crystal Fire Starter

The Tiger Crystal #FireStarter platform encouraged people to uncage their inner fire and unleash their passions by connecting professional mentors to a community of like-minded individuals.

Discover more